Something Special
Something Special, surprise someone today with a hand tied bouquet of seasonal flowers, exclusively selected by the florist and delivered by the florist, straight to their door.
Fresh flowers arrive daily, our unique bouquets include a variety of blooms including premium Roses with mixed seasonal flowers and are delivered with flowers in bud.
We offer you a choice of 'vibrant' colours, 'pastel' tones or select a 'white and green' bouquet of fresh mixed foliage with white flowers.
Each bouquet is unique, created by a skilled florist with a selection of the best flowers of the day.
Your message card will be handwritten. All bouquets are suitably gift packaged with the flowers secured safely within an aqua pack of water and flower food to ensure your flowers arrive in tip top condition and looking their very best.
(Please note this item is only available in our local delivery area. See our delivery page for more information).
Please telephone to order.
Price : from £35.00