Flower Delivery Service
Same Day Delivery
Orders for same day delivery must be received by 1pm. Orders received after this time will be delivered the next working day.
Delivery Days
We aim to make deliveries after 12noon and before 4pm (6pm at the very latest). Should this present difficulty please call to discuss.
Please ensure to provide a correct delivery address with a full postcode and any instructions that will help the driver. Please provide an email and/or daytime phone number for yourselves and a telephone number for the recipient.
If the recipient is out when we deliver, we will leave the gift with a neighbour if they are happy to take responsibility for it. If this is not possible, we may leave the item in a secure, dry place such as a porch, shed or garage. (please advise when ordering if there are any safe places where the item can be left should nobody be home).
If the gift cannot be left it will be returned to the shop for collection or re delivery. A card will always be left through the door to advise the recipient of where the flowers have been left. If the recipient is physically unable to collect their flowers/plant a new delivery date will be arranged with the recipient at the earliest convenience.
Delivery Charges
- Local (2 Mile Radius): Next Day: FREE
- Local (5 Mile Radius): Same Day: £7.95 - Next Day: £6.50
- Outside 5 Miles and up to 10 Miles: Same Day: £9.95 - Next Day: 7.95
Click and Collect
Click and Collect is available from Tuesday - Saturday between 10am and 4pm. Collections are from Tulipa Botanica Flowers and Plants, 91, North Street, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 1RF
For further information, to arrange collection outside of the above times, or any telephone queries, please call Carole on 07946 213938.